ACSCR Number 199: Electromagnetic Shield
There are multiple reasons, why a continuous Spell card could be considered bad. It could have an extremely underwhelming effect, does not correlate with its archetypes Playstyle, support a gimmicky way of playing or is very slow. But the in, my opinion, worst continuous Spell completely disregards the playstyle of its archetype and wants you to play an entirely different strategy. It baffles me, how this card even got printed. I speak of course about “Electromagnetic Shield”. “Electromagnetic Shield” is technically not a Member of the “Batteryman” Archetype, but its Artwork and Targets correlate so much with it, that I will consider it Part of the Archetype, even if I wish it wasn’t. This absolute Masterpiece of Konamis Design Philosophy gives all Level 3, Thunder-Type Monsters, that are in face-up Defense Position, Battle Immunity. This already is really bad, because all it could do, is stall you for maybe one turn. Ah, who’s kidding, this card or your monsters are already destroy...