ACSCR: Number 191: Poison Chain

Now we are back with our old Pals “Iron Chains”. I hoped we would not see them for a while, because that would have meant, that the Card was good. But alas, here we are again, talking so soon about “Posion Chain”. If you can control the Hand of the opponent with chains, could you not simply make him forfeit? This Card is meant as one of the archetypes Milling Options, but to tell the truth, it is not a very good one. Its Effect only activates during the End Phase and only if you did not attack during the turn. If does Conditions are met, you mill Cards from your opponent’s Deck equal to the number of “Iron Chain” monsters you currently control. So, in the Best-Case Scenario, this card mills 6 Cards in the End Phase, but in most Cases it would be three or four Cards, which is not much and in most cases benefits your opponent more than it hurts him. Pray to God you do not Play against “B.A”, “Shaddoll”, “Lightsworn”, “Orcust”, “Salamangreat”, “Adimancipator”, “Eldlich”, or better put,...