ACSCR: Number 193: The World Legacy

The World Legacy. One of the biggest Storylines in the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG, spanning the entire VRAINS Aera and containing more than 7 Archetypes. Because the card I talk about today shows the End of the Storyline, I will not go too deep into the Story itself, but to get the general idea, here is the gist of it: In the, not named, World in which this Story takes Place, there are 7 (or even more) Mythical Artefacts, called the World Legacies and the heroes, around Avram, Longirisuu and Ib, want to find them. Each one of these Legacies are Level 5 or higher monster and correspond with one of the Archetypes contained in this Storyline. These are: “World Legacy – “World Chalice” with the titular “World Chalice” archetype, “World Legacy – “World Armor” with “Krawlers”, “World Legacy – “World Shield” with “Mekk-Knights”, “World Legacy – “World Sword” with “Knightmare”, “World Legacy – “World Crown” with “Crusadia”, “World Legacy – “World Wand” with “Orcust”, “World Legacy – “World Ark” with “Guarddragon” and finaly “World Legacy – “World Key” with “World Legacy” as its own archetype.

One of the best in the game, one of the lamer artworks

"You need a hand?"

Captain America would be proud

Is this a lance or a sword?

It looks like he don't want to be here.

Why is it a fucking Satellite in the sky?

Looks like a wrestling ring?

Its the best artwork.

All these cards have also effects that work with other "World Legacy" cards, so you could build a deck with them, even if isn’t ideal. But the card we talk about today supports this very idea. We talk about the card simply called: “The World Legacy”.

It is one of the prettiest artworks in recient times. But that is all it gives us.

This card puts a Counter on itself each Time a Level 5 or higher monster is sent from the field to your Graveyard. When the card has 7 Counters on itself, you can send it to the Graveyard to Special Summon one Cyberse Link Monster from your Extra Deck. Note that this does not count as a Link Summon, this will be important later. But okay, Special Summoning a monster from the Extra Deck is an incredibly good effect. But the Activation Requirement is so steep, that it just is not worth it. The effort you must invest, to get 7 Level 5 or Higher monsters on the field and of the field is so high, that the monster your Special Summoning must be a Game Winner to even matter. So what exactly would you Special Summon with this Effect? I think the card wants you to Special Summon “Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax” because the card artwork could mean that Ib, is reviving Avram with the Power of the 7 World Legacies, hence the condition to get 7 in your Graveyard, that were summoned beforehand.

Link-4s at its best.

But while “Avramax” is a very good card, that sees play in a lot of different Meta Decks, it can’t unleash its full Power while Special Summoned by this effect, because it’s Protection Abilities only activate when it is Link Summoned, what “The World Legacy” not achieves. An “Avramax” without the targeting and destruction protection, does not warrant the absurd Activation Condition. Another option could be “World Gears of Theurlogical Demiurgy“, the Final Form of the World Legacies, which also could be, what “The World Legacy” intends to Summon.

The final boss of s Videogame who menacing, even if you don't understand what he is.

But it also gets its ability to be unaffected by card effects and its effect to nuke the field by being Link Summoned. Yeah, it still has the effect to Special Summon a World Legacy from the deck, but if you went through all the hoops to activate this effect, it isn’t worth much anymore, because you have most of the Legacies in the Graveyard anyway, were you can easily revive them with cards like “World Legacy Succession”, one of the best Revival options in the game right now and easily searchable in a “World Legacy” deck.

Maybe the best card in the archetype.

Other options would be “Topologic Bomber Dragon” or “Topologic Trisbanea”, but while both card are good, they also do not warrant this convoluted way of bringing them out. And no, you would not want to Summon “The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister” with this effect, because it would be a zero Attack monster. So, there are not many monsters that would be good with this card and even for them, this Card would be too slow and too hard to activate the effect. Even in a deck focused on the “Word Legacies” it’s almost impossible to activate this card in an early turn, because there are not so many options of summoning many of the Legacies at once and in one turn.

So, this card ends up having a beautiful artwork and a place in one of the best Storylines in the TCG, but also being one of the worst cards to come out in recent times. I think, the World Legacy Storyline deserved a better ending card than this one.


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