Announcement: Archetypal continuous Spell Cards ranking

The Thing I like the most about Yu-Gi-Oh, are Archetypes and Series. Sets of cards that correlate and work together and form a brandnew Playing style and even a story sometimes. I always love the reveal of new Archetypes, seeing what Konami got on their sleeves this time. And I find it very interesting how certain types of cards work in the context of an archetype. So I thought I will start a series, where I go over every archetypal card of an specific type in the Game. And I chose a type, that is often overlooked: Continuous Spell Cards.

The continuous spell cards are in a weird spot in the game. They are simmilar to Field Spell cards, as they stay on the field, but you can have more of them, so they often are not as broken as many Field Spells. And they are a card type, that must be specificly crafted to work with an archetype, because they must support their playstyle permanently. So there are many very good continuous spell cards that did this Job almost perfectly, but there also others that failed and didn't improve their archetype at all. And what these cards are and how they work, is what I will represent in this series. I will talk about 199 cards in total.

Lets go quickly over the ground rules of what qualifys for this list. A Card will be featured on this series if it belongs to one of this three categories.

  1. Is Part of an Archetype by Name
  2. Mentions an Archetype in its text
  3. Ties in any other way to an Archetype or Series, may it be Name, Effect, Artwork, Lore, Anime Appearance etc.
The series will have a Ranking from worst to best. Every Articel will go over one Card and discuss how it works, how good it is and how it fits into the Archetype. In many cases I will also talk about the Archetype, to give you a good overview how they play. And most times I have simply fun talking about these Archetypes. I will also sometimes go completly of track and design new cards or do long disscusions on other cards, that are not the centerpiece of the article. I hope that you will enjoy the Articles and don't get to much offened by my bad grammar.

Also note, that all I write in these articles is my own opinion. When I write that a card is bad, does not mean you must think the same. I would really like you to comment if you feel the same or differently as me, as long as your feedback is constructive and not mean. Also keep in mind, that I did not investigate every archetype to its bone and likely did not think of every interaction the card could have with others. So it would be really helpful, if you write a comment if i overlooked something or should have metioned an aspect, that I didn't talked on. I thank you in advance and hope you are not to frustrated by the mistakes i might make.

I will post the first article directly after this one, the next however will most likley take a few days. But I hope you like the Introduction to the new series: "Archetypal continuous Spell Cards Ranking", which I, going forward, will only call ACSCR. Have fun.


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