Yugicember Day 1: Gladiator Beast Charge

For this December I will post eyeryday an article about a random Yu-Gi-Oh!-Card, which I randomly selected. These articles are not much planned ahead and are just posted without much research or proof-reading, because I don't have that sort of time. But I just felt like doing something like this for December, so here we are, I hope you like it.


The card for the 1st of December is "Gladiator Beast Charge". 


This looks like the 180p Youtube Version of an epic fight.


This normal Trap was released very recently in 2019 in "Chaos Impact", alongside 8 other new "Gladiator Beast" cards, like "Test Panther" and "Gladiator Beast's Comeback". Its effect lets you target face-up cards on the field up to the number of "Gladiator Beast" monsters with different names you control and destroy them.

Now, this is really good. It is basicly a better "Ikarus Attack", because you don't have to tribut anything, you can destroy face-up Spells and Traps as well as Monsters and and you have the possibilty to destroy more than two Cards. In most circumstances in a standard "Gladiator Beast" deck, you can use this effect for two to three pops during your opponents turn, which can really disrupt their strategy, espacially as Generic Trap-Negation is rarly played today and your opponent won't always have the means to negate it. It is also really versatile, because it can destroy Field-Spells and continious cards your opponent controls, which can be really good against certain Match-Ups, that rely on a specific card on the field or nee it for their next turn. You could also destroy your own cards if you wanted, but there is only one card in the archetype which wants to be destroyed by card effect and it is the continious Trap "Gladiator Naumachia", which protects your "Gladiator Beast" monster for being destroyed in battle, a thing, that the archetype really does not need, since you in most cases only have monsters with high Attack Points on the field during your opponents turn and they don't need the protection.

So you just want to use the effct to pop stuff to disrupt your opponent, which is really good. The card has of course the negative of being a trap and so easy to get rid of before it is even activated. And it is obviously not really good going second, because of its Trap nature. But "Gladiator Beast" want always to go first and set up a board with their Fusions to disrupt your opponent and this card helps disrupting him even more. But it does not further your combos, so it can be bricky, espacially since playing "Gladiator Beast" today consits mostly of getting two monsters on the field as quickly as possible to summon "Test Panther" and go on from there. So it could hinder your plays during your turn. So runing more than one is not advised. But this one can make a good play even better and totaly ruin your opponent's turn. So one copy of this card in your "Gladiator Beast" deck can drasticly boost your decks power ceiling, even if you don't drew it every game. But when you drew it, it is live almost every time, which makes it worth considering. 

So yeah, the first random card for this month is really good, even though it is not an absolute staple of the deck. But it is a very powerful card, which can really make a differance and win you some games on its own. I think it is a good start in this Yugicember.


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