Yugicember Day 2: Fire Opalhead

 For this December I will post eyeryday an article about a random Yu-Gi-Oh!-Card, which I randomly selected. These articles are not much planned ahead and are just posted without much research or proof-reading, because I don't have that sort of time. But I just felt like doing something like this for December, so here we are, I hope you like it. 


The card for the 2nd December is "Fire Opalhead".

The idea of a flaming Pachycephalosaurus is very cool and very scary at the same time.  


This card is already an odd one, because it was not released in the TCG at this time. It was only released in the OCG in "Promotion Pack 2017" and "Promotion Pack 2018". So it fells a bit weirs talking about this card, but since it is playable on EDOPro, I will talk about it. I however will not mention its flavor text, because it has no official translation. For all we know, the text could also be "Check THIS out" or something like it, so I will not dwell on this. 

The card is Level 6 Normal Pendulum Fire Dinosaur monster, with 2500 ATK and 1000 DEF. It has obviously no effect, but 2500 attack is okay for a Level 6 monster, even if "Summonend Skull" had an even better statline 15 years prior. So you wouldn't really play it for its statline. It also has no Pendulum effect.

The much more interesting thing about this monster is its Pendulum Scale, which is 0. Fire Opalhead is in fact one of only seven monsters in the entire game, which have a Pendulum Scale of 0. This is of course very good, since it is the lowest scale a monster can have and the only way to Pendulum Summon Level 1 monsters. Now there are many Level 1 monsters who liked to be pendulum summonend. Even some Pendulum monsters fall in this category, like "D/D Savant Kepler" or "Performapal Seal Eel". So it could have a niche in a pendulum deck, using Level 1 monsters, even if it doesn't synergizes with such a deck in any other way.


What even is this?


The other good thing about this card is that it is a dinosaur, which have tons of good support. With this it is searchable by "Fossil Dig" and can take advantage of many other good Dinosaur cards. It also can be used to summon "Evolzar Solda", which can just negate the Special Summon of a monster, which is really good. Since there are not many ways to summon this card otherwise, it can help you greatly by summoning your other Level 6 dinosaurs or being used himself.


He looks the most like a leader among the "Evolzar". I won't say anything against him.

It can also be used to Pendulum Summon many good Dinosaur monsters, including the Level 1 monsters "Animardorned Archsaur" and  "Jurrac Aeolo", which can give you much advantage. The other scale could be "Lancephorhynchus", also a Level 6 Normal Pendulum Dinosaur with a scale of 7. These two cards are most likely meant to be played together in some form.


It has the best nose.

There is even a deck consisted of Pendulum Normal monsters which all have effects that boost Normal Monsters which I will call "Draconia", because three of the monsters belong to the "Draconia" Series. so "Fire Opalhead" can and should also be played in that deck along with some dinosaur support. And while we are on that front, no you won't play this in every dinosaur deck, because you don't always want two specific cards in your hand, only to get more field presence. But in specific bulids, aiming for "Evolzar Solda" or some of the low Level monsters, could this card be really good in and get you some really good plays. So I recommend checking it out.

So why is this card not in the TCG yet? It is not the only card with a scale of 0 and not even the only generic one. I think they just forgot about it and that is a darn shame, because the card has a really nice artwork and good synergy with some other decks. So Konami, if your are reading this, please bring this card in the TCG. It is too unique to just be forgotten.



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